Vanessa Picker

Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
University of Adelaide 

I applied to be a part of the Advance Global Australian Awards Mentoring Program, because I believe that mentoring is invaluable, particularly when a mentor has relevant industry experience both within Australia and overseas. I believe the Advance program is unique in that it provides a well structured platform that connects university students with innovative, empowering leaders.

The social innovation category was particularly appealing as I am studying Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Adelaide, and I am currently launching a social enterprise.  

Ultimately, I applied so that I could be aligned with a mentor that could assist with refining my career goals and developing strategies for successfully launching and sustaining social enterprises, within the next 12 months. 

Over the next 12 months, I am looking forward to learning from my mentor’s experiences; and simultaneously exploring new, innovative ideas.

Attending the awards ceremony was a fantastic way to meet everybody involved with Advance. In particular, I enjoyed seeing the level of support that surrounds this program.  Both the mentors and attendees were extremely welcoming and passionate about the mentoring program.