Leonie Nahhas

Leonie Nahhas
University of Wollongong

Leonie recently graduated with a BA – Psychology and a Degree in Education at Macquarie University, Sydney. She is a Merit Scholar, a MQ Global Leadership Excellence awardee and a recipient of the Australian Government New Colombo Plan (NCP) Scholarship which allowed her to study at Asia’s #1 Nanyang Technological University in Singapore for a full academic year. Leonie dedicated her NCP practical internships to the 2030 United Nations (UN) Agenda for Sustainable Development in the areas of Quality Education and Good Health and Wellbeing working with local communities in Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

In 2018, Leonie was selected for the UN Global Youth Advocate Program in Bangkok, Thailand where she worked to advance all four pillars of the Office of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth: Participation, Advocacy, Partnerships and Harmonisation. There, Leonie led a team of international youth leaders to organise the Inaugural 2018 Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders and was appointed host and moderator for the Summit. In recognition of her efforts, Leonie was awarded the 2018 Global Youth Award at the UN Asia-Pacific Head Office.

As the NCP Inaugural Alumni Ambassador, Leonie co-founded the ASEAN-Australia Strategic Youth Partnership Ltd in pursuit of strengthening regional youth relations and is continuing to drive the vision forward as acting Board Director.

Leonie is currently a recipient of the NSW Department of Education (DoE) School Counsellor Metropolitan Sponsorship Program which is jointly run by DoE Student Engagement and Interagency Partnerships and the University of Wollongong, where she is undertaking her post-graduate studies in psychology.