Daisy Jarrett

Daisy Jarrett
The University of Newcastle

Daisy Jarrett is in her final year of a combined Bachelor of Business Bachelor or Commerce at the University of Newcastle. Her major areas of study are economics and innovation/entrepreneurship. Throughout university Daisy has taken many opportunities to work and travel in her fields of interest. Ms. Jarrett worked as a research assistant with the Dean of Newcastle Business School for 18 months in the field of behavioural economics and decision making. She is currently business consulting with two sustainable technology start-ups from Newcastle. Last year, Daisy Jarrett was the President of the University of Newcastle’s Business and Commerce Student Association; where she managed 12 volunteers to create value from events and sponsorship for the University of Newcastle’s students.

She recently competed in QUT’s ‘Nugeathon’ competition and attended CSIRO’s ONtribe event as an Alumni.

Ms. Jarrett is also an accomplish musician, having performed in Australia, the United Kingdom, the USA and Canada; on violin, trombone and tenor horn.